Super Spelling

Spelling games and/or activities
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The Spelling Hack All Teachers Should Know About
Help your students become better spellers with the spelling hack that every teacher should know! It is mind-blowing how effective as well as how simple it is and easy for students to use! Click here to learn more!
54K views · 2.5K likes | Sher Marshall on Instagram: "💡🧠 When do we use the AU or AW spelling for the sound of /o/? 🔥 Note: This is a generalization! Typically we use the AW spelling at the end of a word or a syllable, and we use the AU spelling in the middle. ⭐️ When the sound is followed by a single letter N or L, and we can use the AW spelling in the middle of a syllable, for example “awning” or “dawn”. ⭐️ if there is another letter following N or L then it’s back to the AU spelling, as in “launch” or “vault”. These generalizations (not rules) get kids in the habit of looking for the patterns. Eventually, they will have a mental map of the correct spelling including the exceptions. 💌Save this to show your kids! #PhonicsForKids #EarlyLiteracy #LearnToRead #kindergartenmom #p
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