
28 Pins
Everyone deserves a perfect world!
Saw many crows on my recent visit to Amsterdam: "The crow is a spirit animal…
Wendy Davis Photography - Your daily raven...on a very wet day on the west coast | Facebook
"Your daily raven...on a very wet day on the west coast." ~~ Wendy Davis Photography January 23, 2015
Raven by tjblackwell on DeviantArt
Across its range in the northern hemisphere, and throughout human history, the Raven (Corvus corax) has been a powerful symbol and a popular subject of mythology and folklore. From a scientific per...
What Are the Most Common Backyard Birds in the U.S.?
Raven in flight
I, Crow by James Two Crows / 500px
I, Crow by James Two Crows
Birds of prey by Andrew Shaylor
I love the detail of the feathers on this bird, it creates a lovely texture and gives it good tone. I like the way the artist has made the bird look very realistic alongside the piece of wood that it is standing on.
It´s Love, not reason, that is stronger than Death
It´s Love, not reason, that is stronger than Death
Huginn and Muninn by benu-h on DeviantArt
Odin's ravens. Mixed media (ink, watercolor, colored pencil on paper) , 24x32 cm
.not sure what this is, but I'd say...crow. whatever, sure is a cool picture
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Line of Flight by Sarah Yeoman Watercolor ~ 30 x 22
As above so below, heed the caw of sacred crow. -mystic feather
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untitled by Sarah Yeoman Watercolor ~ 36 x 24 More