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smoothes wrinkles | eliminates puffiness & dark circles | leaves skin supple | better skin care product absorption | relaxes facial muscles | tightens muscles | lymphatic drainage | link below to shop | affiliate link
How to Gua Sha: A Beginner’s Guide
smoothes wrinkles | eliminates puffiness & dark circles | leaves skin supple | better skin care product absorption | relaxes facial muscles | tightens muscles | lymphatic drainage | link below to shop | affiliate link
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Try it for 7 days and see the results!
Gua Sha Tutorial
Try it for 7 days and see the results!
Explore the ancient art of gua sha, a Chinese massage technique using a polished stone tool. Watch how this practice stimulates the lymphatic system, improves blood circulation, and releases muscle tension. 🌿✨  #GuaSha #ChineseMassage #Wellness #Skincare #BloodCirculation #Relaxation
Discover Gua Sha: A Traditional Chinese Massage for Face and Body
Explore the ancient art of gua sha, a Chinese massage technique using a polished stone tool. Watch how this practice stimulates the lymphatic system, improves blood circulation, and releases muscle tension. 🌿✨ #GuaSha #ChineseMassage #Wellness #Skincare #BloodCirculation #Relaxation
Face Yoga Specialist 💆‍♀️💆‍♀️💦 on Instagram: "Hi loves!❤️ For today’s video a bunch of you guys requested my minimalistic everyday Face Yoga and Anti-Ageing Tips!!! I hope you guys love this video! please take care & stay safe! Don’t forget to Double Tap ❤ — Follow me @faceyogadop Follow me @faceyogadop Follow me @faceyogadop Tags::✨✨ #jawyoga #facialist #faceyoga 🧘 #facemassage #facelift #facefitness #facefit #facial #facialtreatment #faceexercise 💆‍♀️ #natural #naturalbeauty #faceyogateacher #cosmetologist 💕 #rejuvinate #wellbeing #health 🏥 #healthylifestyle #ageless 👵🏻 #wrinklefree #aginggracefully #youngerlookingskin #faceworkout #face #facegym #faceyogamethod #magicalyoga #naturalbeauty #yogafacial #selffacialmassage"