
117 Pins
20 Vegetables That Grow In Shade In Pots
20 Vegetables That Grow In Shade In Pots. It is a challenge for you to grow vegetables in a shady area. But it can’t stop you from growing edible plants. Sunlight is an important factor in the growth of vegetables, fruits, and herbs.
Putting Food By - Beef, Onions and Vanilla
N and I do this with our every chance we get - The next time you have green onions, don't throw away the white ends. Simply submerge them in a glass of water and place them in a sunny window. Your onions will begin to grow almost immediately and can be harvested almost indefinitely. We just use kitchen scissors to cut what we need for meals. I periodically empty out the water, rinse the roots off and give them fresh water.
Nifty Food & Plants To Grow Indoors {May Surprise You}
Never Pay For Onions Again: Grow Them Indoors! This page has all sorts of interesting ideas for growing plants indoors.
The 10 Easiest Vegetables to Grow
The 10 EASIEST Vegetables to Grow: Make this THE YEAR you start that vegetable #garden | via @SparkPeople #gardening #SparkPeople