Biophilic Design: Plants, Green Walls, Greenery

Fresh office designs with biophilic architecture and biophilic design items such as plants and greenery
69 Pins
Salt Amenity Space at Google Offices - Mountain View | Office Snapshots
Salt Amenity Space at Google Offices - Mountain View
Cairnhill Law Offices - Singapore | Office Snapshots
Cairnhill Law Offices – Singapore
EY Offices - Budapest | Office Snapshots
Planter box and greenery at EY Offices – Budapest
McDonald's Headquarters - Chicago | Office Snapshots
Fresh green wall at McDonald’s Headquarters in Chicago
Lendlease Headquarters - Sydney | Office Snapshots
Plant-filled stairwell at Lendlease Headquarters in Sydney
BSE Global Headquarters - New York City | Office Snapshots
Branded green wall at BSE Global's Headquarters in New York City
Forest City Offices - Cleveland | Office Snapshots
Atrium moss wall feature at Forest City's Cleveland office
Boston Consulting Group Offices - Minneapolis | Office Snapshots
Modular moss wall at Boston Consulting Group's Minneapolis office