Ancient Egypt

everything ancient Egypt! I find I super fascinating!
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Khaemwaset, Ramesses II's son, with tightly twisted strands held together with a rosette decorated barrette, on an otherwise bald head. Maat's austrich feather added to a papyrus reed staff indicate that he held the title of Royal Scribe at Court. Schiste sculpture, Cairo Egyptian Museum.
Gold signet ring, the largest from the Mycenaean world, found in Tiryns, but made by a Minoan workshop (15th c. BCE). A procession of lion-headed “daemons” offering libation jugs to the seated goddess who raises a ritual vessel: the sun wheel & the crescent moon are in the sky
Virtual Artifacts
Egyptian white glazed composition ear plug, NewKingdom, Dynasty XVIII. The disc-shaped terminal decorated with a blue and cream marguerite flower with separately applied red boss in centre
Labyrinth of Egypt
Labyrinth of Egypt Although there are very few remains, and historical accounts seem to differ, the Labyrinth of Egypt, the Labyrinth of Hawara, did actually exist over four thousand years ago.
MFA - Sarcophagus of Meresankh II
Translation of the West Side of the Sarcophagus: "King's bodily daughter, Meresankh." "Great of perfection, King's wife, Meresankh."
The Ancient Egyptian Number System (Math), A Feature Tour Egypt Story
A part of the largest surviving mathematical scroll, the Rhind Papyrus (written in hieratic script), asks questions about the geometry of triangles. It is, in essence, a mathematical text book. The surviving parts of the papyrus show how the Egyptian engineers calculated the proportions of pyramids as well as other structures. Originally, this papyrus was five meters long and thirty three centimeters high.
Imhotep's Masterpiece, King Djoser's Step-Pyramid | Imhotep's Masterpiece, Djoser's Step-Pyramid