Dao/Tao Wisdom

Taoist life wisdom, life quotes, Taoism, Dao, Tao De Ching, Dao De Jin
170 Pins
Be your own master
Most Importantly, Be Your Own Master in Onenergy Qi Gong, the most important part of recovery is being your own master. This means taking control of your health and your healing journey. You're the one in charge, making decisions, choosing to practice. #master #qigong #decision #takecontrol #choices #leader
Recovery Needs Vision, Desire, and Ambition
Recovery Needs Vision, Desire, and Ambition In recovery, having a vision, desire, and ambition is key. This means having a clear picture in your mind of what being healthy looks like for you and really wanting to get there. #vision #desire #ambition #qigong #recovery #healer
Recovery Needs Courage Courage is a big part of recovery in Onenergy Qi Gong. Sometimes, facing the challenge of getting better can be scary. You might have to change old habits, try new things, and step out of your comfort zone. #courage #qigong #healing #challenge #comfortzone
Live Webinar Qigong Feb 22
Feb 22, 10:30AM PST - Live Webinar by Coach Delphine Topic: Unlocking Shoulder Pain Relief: A Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach Register your spot here: https://meet.zohocloud.ca/k2xybkNXcp #webinar #live #qigong #shoulderpain #routine #dailyroutine
To really recover using Onenergy Qi Gong, you need dedication.
Recovery Needs Dedication To really recover using Onenergy Qi Gong, you need dedication. #qigong #recovery #holistic #healing #dedication #motivation
How to understand what Wu Wei is?
To really understand what Lao Tzu really meant by Wu Wei, you have to transcend yourself. After that, you are capable of breaking the limitations of your physical and psychological existence. And there you will understand and interpret better what Lao Tzu was trying to teach us with his words. #limitation #wuwei #taoist #taoteching #transcend #laotzu #friday #quote #wisdom #onenergyinstitute
Have you realized that doing something and doing nothing is just the same?
You can't do Nothing, you are always doing something. Don't believe it? What are you doing while you're on your chair? Sitting and breathing. Maybe even thinking about something or watching something. You are still doing! #being #busy #donothing #nothing #difference #wuwei #tuesday #wisdom
Did Lao Tzu mean Wu Wei by Do Nothing?
You may have heard Laotzu and his famous Taoist bible ""Dao De Jing"" where he talked about ""Wei"" and ""Wu Wei"". People translated Wei as doing and Wu Wei as not doing or doing nothing. What most people don't know is that humans are impossible to do nothing. Just breathing makes it as if you are doing something. #wuwei #daodejing #taoteching #laotzu #laozi #taoism #taoist #mondaywisdom
Where Out Thoughts Came From..
Our bodies react to what is happening to our surroundings. Our reactions are based on our experience, whether it might be good or bad. Or what we learn from experiencing it. Do you know that thoughts come from bodies' reactions? Not directly from the brain. Did you understand the connection between these? If you want to connect this about money, feel free to watch our video about it. #reaction #bodies #thoughts #experience #onenergy #onenergyinstitute #delphinezhu #delphinetabootalk
How To Get Rid Of Your Money Entanglement Beliefs
Money beliefs can be hard to change especially when you had these since you were a child. Having the right awareness and consciousness can help you change it and also these tips we are sharing. 🤗 You can also download our app for free to know more about these. #onenergy #onenergyinstitute #qigong #qigongpractice #qigongeveryday #qigongyoga #appdownload #downloadapp #new
5 Signs Of Entanglement With Money
This could be hard to point at times since we are programmed to think about money differently, but having enough self awareness could help you realize this. 🤗 #tabootalk #moneytalk #moneyawareness #moneymindset #lifecoaching #awareness #onenergy #onenergyinstitute #DelphineZhu #DelphineTabooTalk
You Think Money Is Evil? Then Money Can Control You | Trailer
There are two opposite ideas about money, one likes money and the other loathes it. But they're both just the same. Ever wonder why? Find out more in this video. Full video Youtube link will be posted. #tabootalk #moneyhungry #moneymanagement #lifestyle #lifecoaching #lifelesson #onenergy #onenergyinstitute #DelphineZhu #DelphineTabooTalk
Gaining More Money Is Not An Excuse To Be Happy!
Gaining more money is NOT an excuse to do more ‼ Find out more in this video: https://youtu.be/b45jEZyHaD8 #moneylife #enjoylife #comfortableliving #excuses #luxurylifestyle #mindset #mindfulliving #mindfulnesspractice #wellness #bodymind #lifewisdom #wisdomquotes #lifecoaching #lifegoeson #dailywisdom #onenergy #onenergyinstitute #delphinezhu #delphinetabootalk
Did You Ever Think About This? 💭
No matter how much money you have, you will always seek for more. Therefore, there is no such thing as enough money. Take a look at this video for more: https://youtu.be/b45jEZyHaD8 #moneymindset #moneytalks #moneyhungry #moneyflow #moneyhunger #onenergy #onenergyinstitute #DelphineZhu #DelphineTabooTalk