Character Psychology

A look into the psychological mindset of a character in good times and bad to help writers write their characters more authentically.
64 Pins
Overcoming Emotional Wounds: How to Show Your Character Is Beginning to Heal – Elizabeth Spann Craig
Overcoming Emotional Wounds: How to Show Your Character Is Beginning to Heal
Start A Fire
10 Daily ways to reduce stress and cultivate mindfulness and self-compassion…
Start A Fire
The Brain That Heals Itself: Neuroplasticity and Promise for Addiction Treatment - Alta Mira
20 Questions To Ask That Will Reveal A Person's True Self
In life, we all just want someone to know us, to hear us, and to appreciate us. Here are 20 questions to ask someone that will reveal their true self...
Psychology Of Relationships
This essential guide covers all the basics areas of psychology of relationships in an easy to use format. This 4-page guide includes information on actualized & functional relationships, misguided
Many people struggle to understand what is middle of the road healthy thinking or reasonable reality. Well Maslow did it for us - the characteristic of self actualizing people.