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Facts about Sweden
MakingFriends Facts about Sweden Printable Thinking Day fact card for our passports. Perfect if you chose Sweden for your Girl Scout Thinking Day or International Night celebration.
Simply Swedish: 24 Hours in Stockholm Sweden
Gamla Stan - Stockholm, Sweden
Ice organ inside Jukkasjärvi Ice Hotel, Sweden (by...
Ice organ inside Jukkasjärvi Ice Hotel, Sweden (by ultrahi).
Ruine der Kirche S:ta Katarina
Ruins of St Catherine Cathedral in Visby, Sweden. I want to go see this place one day. Please check out my website thanks. www.photopix.co.nz
Drottningholm , Sweden
Drottningholm Palace on the island of Lovo is a Unesco World Heritage site and lies about 11km west of Stockholm city center dating from 17 century, the palace is now the official residence of the Swedish Royal Family
Smögen, Sweden. West coast of Sweden, ~ 1.5 hours north of Gothenburg
Emporia Shopping Center (Malmö/ Sweden)
Emporia Shopping Center (Malmö/ Sweden): http://curious-places.blogspot.com/2014/11/emporia-shopping-center-malmo-sweden.html
Ale's Stones
Stenar Ales is a megalithic monument in southern Sweden, the monument is believed to be built in the sixth century on an earlier monument is the oldest and one of the most famous in the Viking culture. It consists of 59 large rocks shaped ellipse located 67 meters long and 19m wide, each rock weighs about 2 tons.