
147 Pins
This Parenting Hack Will Improve Your Kid's Mental Health
Although it is important to teach a child to understand the importance of "no," it is as crucially important to build them up and bring positivity in their life.
4 Books for Family Fun with DK Canada Books - Reviews
Ottawa Mommy Club DK Canada Family Summer 2016 Feature Photo
Shoe Tying Activity - The OT Toolbox
Tips and tools for teaching kids to tie their shoes from and Occupational Therapist.
Best Crafts for Boys - Red Ted Art
Welcome to Boy Get Crafty! So many people tell me that their “boys just aren’t that interested” or that they “wished they had a girl to sew for” or “what on earth to give hubby for Christmas”… So I thought a Boy Get Crafty may be a good idea. Though this post ostensibly is about boys, it …
Guidelines for Practical Life Skills
Guidelines for Practical Life Skills for Kids! A list of life skills kids should know before they leave home.
Healthy After-School Snacks for Kids: Video
Refrigerator grab and go snack station • Back to school • snacks • food •!
How I limited screen time by offering my kids unlimited screen time.
"How I limited screen time by offering my kids unlimited screen time." via narrowbackslacker .com
A Mom's Take
age appropriate chores for children | Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids - Free Printable! - A Mom's Take
Inflatable Human Bowling Ball Game - Hammacher Schlemmer
The Human Bowling Ball - Hammacher Schlemmer
Day 7: Diary tape
spray paint measuring tape and keep track of kids heights at different ages. Brilliant!
15 Appropriate Chores for 4 Year Olds
15 Chore Ideas for 4-Year-Olds -- Love these practical ideas for teaching your children to enjoy doing chores. Plus, some chore ideas you may not have thought of assigning to a young child. Great list!
Armor of God- Draw Your Sword Game
Draw Your Sword game to familiarize kids with Bible and help with Scripture memorization. From Look to Him and be Radiant's Armor of God lessons