Wisdom quotes

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The Bible Says This Is Our Earth. There is No Where to Run. We Destroy This One That's It. Take Care of It.
"The one who plant trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade,...." - Rabindranath Tagore [725x960]
"The one who plant trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade,...." - Rabindranath Tagore #Quotes #InterestingQuotes #InspiringQuotes
16 Quotes From Buddha that Will Change Your Life
The most valuable lessons in life are the ones that hurt the most focusing on my spirituality has really made a difference in the way I even take my next breath or step ..
What You think of me doesn't Cloud what I think of me
A Parenting and Lifestyle blog that encourages Stress free and Mindful living through Empowerment, Motivation and Inspiration.
7 famous philosophers explain what it means to be human
Philosophy buffs need to look beyond the more familiar “Western” perspectives if they want develop a more global worldview. These 8 “Eastern” philosophers have had…
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34 Confucius Quotes
34 confucius quotes
The first step to getting somewhere is deciding you're not going to stay where you are. … // Image by: Ma Yuan, 1160-1225
Spiritual Quotes (186) Awakening Intuition Quotations
#Spiritual #Quotes & #Spiritual #Affirmations from Awakening-Intuition.com - Click above Link to view a Collection of #Wisdom #Positive #Love #Life #Motivational # to #Inspire