green scene

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Indoor sanseveria family with gorgeous planters🤗 #olivrahomedecor#sansevieria#urbanjungles#interiorwilding#botanicalstyle#houseplantslover#plantparentcommunity#houseplantaddict#welovehouseplants#houseplanthoarder#plantcommunity#houseplantsmakemehappy#plantsobsession#plantparent#plantstyle
Propagating Succulents — Needles + Leaves
garden and plants - how to propagate succulents from leaves Importante. No cubras con tierra las hojas de suculentas pues se pudren. Sólo déjalas en la superficie.
Sleep Machine Based on a NASA Anti-Aging Discovery
It’s hard to find anyone who doesn’t have trouble sleeping – despite the fact that the one thing we can probably all agree with is that sleeping is the best. Even after a full day of feeling totally exhausted and drained, something weird happens at night when we’re laying in bed. We’re suddenly bombarded with random thoughts that won’t go away, annoying anxieties we can’t ignore, and the immediate urge to get a task done that should probably be worked on at literally any other time.
how to grow an avocado tree
Highly flavored and nutritious, avocados signal a healthy diet, whether we’re talking about guacamole or salad. If you like not having to make regular trips to the grocery for your daily supply of fresh avocados, try growing an avocado tree at home. It’s surprisingly easy. In 10 easy steps, you will see how you too can get a full-grown avocado tree from a little seed, making the whole process very educational and easy to remember. STEP 1: Without cutting the pit from the avocado, remove an.....