Abbandoned, Derelict & Forgotten

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Would love to see inside this place. Micoley's picks for #AbandonedProperties
Destroyed and Abandoned
stephanocardona: Abandoned piano by Karolien Link: Karolien Van Bavegem on 500px
Abandoned Mausoleum in the woods
Abandoned Mausoleum in the woods by trey5170
Haunting Photos Of Abandoned Cities Around The World
Oradour-sur-Glane, France Oradour-sur-Glane was a village destroyed by a German military unit in 1944, killing 642 of its inhabitants. Although a new village was built nearby to replace it, today the original village stands as a memorial.
13 All-But-Forgotten Company Towns Around the Country
Kennecott, Alaska (Kennecott Mines)
steampunksteampunk: Abandoned
steampunksteampunk: “Abandoned ”
40 Hauntingly Beautiful Abandoned Places And Forgotten Things
40 Hauntingly Beautiful Abandoned Places And Forgotten Things - Feels Gallery
Un appartamento a Parigi fermo nel tempo dal 1942 | Darlin Magazine
Un appartamento parigino chiuso dal 1942 e riaperto nel 2013