Wire Wrapping

2,500 Pins
Feathery Delights - Metalwork Art | Earth Balance Craft
Feathery Delights - Hand-made copper wire work feather designs
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Wire wrapped pendant tutorial
Кулон Дерево жизни своими руками. Украшения Wire Wrap
Simple Wire Wrap Tree Tutorial
Criss Cross Pendant Tutorial - Etsy Australia
Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/156274277/criss-cross-pendant-tutorial
I was running out of watch parts, this flat piece was one of the last that I had. I weaved about a half of this pendant, when suddenly the bead inside broke in two :( I had to undo half of what I h...
Make More Money at Craft Fairs - Made Urban
A start to finish guide for handmade sellers looking to make more money at craft fairs | MADE URBAN
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Simple Wire Wrap Tree Tutorial
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5 DIY Easy Rings - Braided & No Tools!
I love simple diy projects and simple life hacks so in this tutorial I’ll show you just that! I am yet again creating DIY Easy rings and this time I have 5 braided DIY rings. :) I also think I'll make it a regular monthly thing as I really enjoy coming up with new designs. They are honestly super easy to make! No kidding! It takes no time to make these DIY rings, so there is no excuse not to make them :) Create your own DIY jewelry starting with a handmade ring! They only take 5...