Original Birch Tree Oil Painting on Canvas with Fall colours
Petite Paperie Design Co | Oil painting of Fall coloured birch trees on canvas. custom stationery, wedding invitations, custom invite, handmade paper, bespoke, heirloom stationery, calligraphy, fine art stationery, calligraphy, invitations, heirloom, elopement, wedding details. Elope Tofino, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
Black and White Tree drawing done in ink on paper and vellum.
Petite Paperie Design Co | Hand drawn tree painting black and white, westcoast foggy. custom stationery, wedding invitations, custom invite, handmade paper, bespoke, heirloom stationery, calligraphy, fine art stationery, calligraphy, invitations, heirloom, elopement, wedding details. Elope Tofino, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
Birch Tree Oil Painting with Red Black and White colours on canvas
Petite Paperie Design Co | Original oil painting of birch trees with red black and white. Custom stationery, wedding invitations, custom invite, handmade paper, bespoke, heirloom stationery, calligraphy, fine art stationery, calligraphy, invitations, heirloom, elopement, wedding details. Elope Tofino, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
Winter Tree Painting. Oil paint on canvas.
Petite Paperie Design Co | Original oil painting of winter trees in snow on canvas. custom stationery, wedding invitations, custom invite, handmade paper, bespoke, heirloom stationery, calligraphy, fine art stationery, calligraphy, invitations, heirloom, elopement, wedding details. Elope Tofino, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
Arbutus Tree overlooking Georgia Strait on Pender Island, British Columbia. Original Oil Painting
Petite Paperie Design Co | Oil painting of arbutus tree on Gulf Islands, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. custom stationery, wedding invitations, custom invite, handmade paper, bespoke, heirloom stationery, calligraphy, fine art stationery, calligraphy, invitations, heirloom, elopement, wedding details. Elope Tofino, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
Birch Tree paintings, mixed media, acrylic paint on canvas triptych.
Petite Paperie Design Co | Hand painted birch tree with mixed media, acrylic, resin and paper. Custom stationery, wedding invitations, custom invite, handmade paper, bespoke, heirloom stationery, calligraphy, fine art stationery, calligraphy, invitations, heirloom, elopement, wedding details. Elope Tofino, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.