pink cat studio calendar for the carnival owls

Owl Calendar Set - Circus Theme Classroom Decor

Product Details
This fun Carnival Owls theme calendar will look fantastic on your classroom wall! This product can also be purchased as part of our Carnival Owls Classroom Theme Pack.Included in the set:- 12 month headers with owl characters 9 W by 3 H - 33 number squares 3 by 3 - 7 days of the week calendar headers 3 W by 1.7 H- Today is, Yesterday was, Tomorrow will be posters 10 W by 6 H and 7 days of the week words to be placed on the posters 8 W by 2.8 H This product is a PDF file with 20 printable pages. The calendar pieces fit into a pocket chart with 3 by 3 squares.Terms of Use All content in this product is the copyrighted property of Pink Cat Studio. You are granted permission to use this product for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not sell, trade, share or redistribute this product in any form. You may not create a derivative work and claim it as your own. If you have any questions regarding terms of use please contact Melissa at Theme1-Owls