TRENDY 60CM, Copper, Essential Oil Diffuser Pendant, Fashion Locket Necklace, Circular Chain ...apply a few drops of your favourite essential oil to a Lava Stone (or little, cotton balls for Fragrances), put the ball into the locket and close it ~ Aromatherapy beautifully customized! Locket Necklace Vintage, Perfume Locket, Harmony Ball, Perfume Diffuser, Jewelry Lockets, Ball Necklace, Copper Chain, Vintage Perfume, Essential Oils Aromatherapy

Precious Aroma Locket Necklaces! - 1Pcs 21 / China

Product Details
TRENDY 60CM, Copper, Essential Oil Diffuser Pendant, Fashion Locket Necklace, Circular Chain ...apply a few drops of your favourite essential oil to a Lava Stone (or little, cotton balls for Fragrances), put the ball into the locket and close it ~ Aromatherapy beautifully customized!
SO7 HeartWorks Agency