Title: The Hard Way Edition: original movie poster Year: 1991 Type: Promo movie poster Size: 26.75x39.75 Single or double sided: Double Condition notes: please see pictures for condition, you are buying the exact poster in the photographs. Will ship rolled in a tube. Posters acquired from a long time movie theatre owner, check out our selection of other one sheets for sale! // <' + '\/script>'); }; var _ebayItemID = 0; if (typeof ebayItemID != 'undefined') { _ebayItemID = ebayItemID }; include_showcase('//open.inkfrog.com/services/showcase/?sid=29696&uid=413&ebayItemID=' + _ebayItemID); // ]]> Annabella Sciorra, Penny Marshall, Stephen Lang, Kingdom Movie, Mr Brainwash, John Prine, Avett Brothers, Movie Theatre, Mumford & Sons