Workshop organization

New 12 x 20 foot shop at the back of my 32 foot deep garage.
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Table Saw for my new outfeed table and fence. The miter guide is held on with 1" earth magnets glued to the saw legs.
Cross Cut Sled
Cross Cut Sled
Cross Cut Sled
Cross Cut Sled
Cross Cut Sled
Cross Cut Sled
Upgraded fence with storage and a slide on taller extension
Baltic ply fence upgrade comes apart if's hollow inside
Table Saw Multi Sled - Setting up the aluminum T track as runners for each sled.
Table Saw Multi Sled - squaring up is quick and easy after clamping on the sacrifice fence.
Table Saw Multi Sled - tapering back slats is fast and accurate after setting the sled to the template.
Table Saw Multi Sled - cross cutting large boards is easy as well as small stock cut to the same length with the fence from the bandsaw.
Adjustable Outfeed table...the perpendicular position slides across to allow alignment for long stock ripping and the taper sleds.
Table Saw Multi Sled - cutting long boards on a 45 without a track saw.