Dramatic Play Ideas for Kids

Fun ideas for pretend play, including small world play and DIY resources. Support imaginative play with kid-sized props and small world scenes.
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Preschool Language Development With Pretend Play
Support early language development with fun pretend play. These ideas will get you started with pretend play that sparks conversation. Kids can role play everyday scenes, and create stories and puppet shows to practice language skills. Make puppets, build a cardboard post office or tiny house, and play fun games. Talk about the puppets kids make, join in the fun pretend play that prompts engaging conversations.
Preschool Pretend Play with a Cardboard Laptop
This laptop craft and activity provides a great way to engage kids early learning skills. The laptop inspires fun pretend play that engages kids with letters and numerals. Kids can practice literacy and math skills on their very own homemade cardboard computer. The laptop inspires fun pretend play that engages kids with letters and numerals. The keyboard is set up just like a real laptop, so kids can experience recognizing and naming letters and numerals as they press the keys on the keyboard. Fun activity with lots of opportunity for hands-on learning.
6 Benefits of Pretend Play
Did you know that when your child is engaged in imaginative play, they are cultivating essential developmental skills? With all of the smart phones, tablets and techy toys, it’s important we still encourage our children to play pretend! Here are 3 benefits of imaginative play.
Easy to Make Puppets for Imaginative Play
Kids can make cute puppets to spark imaginative play. Use everyday materials like socks and craft sticks to inspire fun and learning with homemade puppets. #puppetcrafts #craftsforkids #pretendplay
Pretend Play with a DIY Cardboard Box Car
Recycle a cardboard box to make a pretend play prop for your toddler or preschooler. A kid-size roadster is an awesome invitation to play. #pretendplay #recycled
Easy to Make Puppet Theater
Make a simple puppet theater with a recycled cardboard box. This theater is easy to make without glue or tape. Decorate your theater with markers or stickers. Perform fun puppet shows for family and friends. #playroomideas #invitationtoplay
Creative Winter Dramatic Play Ideas
Add some snowy winter fun to your dramatic play area, from ice skating to a snowy winter cabin. #winter #dramaticplay #preschool #toddler #pretend #printable #2yearolds #3yearolds #teaching2and3yearolds
Easy Cardboard Box Car for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Easy to make car from a cardboard box #preschool #pretendplay
The Incredible Benefits of Dramatic Play
Do you know the benefits of dramatic play in preschool? This post tells teachers and parents all about the importance of play in preschool, but specifically dramatic play in preschool.
How to Make a Sparkly Kids Crown for New Year's Eve
A crown that sparkles and shines is a fun craft for kids to make for pretend play. Make the crown with a foil headband and foil cut-outs. This activity promotes the use of creative and fine motor skills in early learners. #pretendplay #kidscrafts