
107 Pins
I am loading a new arrow on my Samick Sage bow. Training and practice on Bushcraft Archery.
The Inuits of Nunavut were and are extremely skilled hunters, who relied on the animal populations in Northern Canada for survival. This Inuit hunter from the early 20th century, is hunting solely with a home-made bow and arrow. He is not privy to snow-mobiles and automatic rifles, like some adventure clubs are today.
I discovered today that William Shatner was one of the early members of Fred Bear's archery club. *brain explodes* How did I not know this after years of being both an archer and a Trekkie?
The Archery Hall of Fame
The Archery Hall of Fame - Fred Bear and Glenn St. Charles on one of their famous hunting trips to the Little Delta
Compact, lightweight and silent, the slingbow is the perfect survival weapon. It can be used for hunting, home and self defense and sport, as there are slingbow clubs in almost every city in America already! Here's how you can make yours for under $20
Walnut and Wenge Recurve Bow
Walnut and Wenge Recurve Bow
Bow Cabinet or Archery Cabinet
Compound Bow and arrow rack for a country home or cabin