First Grade

27 Pins
22 Awesome First Grade Anchor Charts That We Can't Wait to Use
First grade anchor charts are great tools for reminding kids about concepts in math, writing, spelling, science, and more! Check out these great ideas.
Grade 1 - Building more complex sentences
Grade 1 - Building more complex sentences - Primary French Immersion Resources
Primary French Immersion Resources
Primary French Immersion Resources. Lots of activities for winter writing. Assess listening without writing.
Yvette Rossignol French Francais
PERFECT for English OR French second language! Primary-Grade 1
#kindergarten #activities #diagraphs #families #patterns #spelling #tracers #phonics #posters #reading #lessons #binder #guided #silent #entireGuided Reading Phonics Posters Phonics for the entire year for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade! Lessons for phonics ideas, phonics activities, and spelling patterns are in this phonics binder, phonics books, phonics tracers, and phonics posters. Teach vowel teams, word families, spelling, CVC words, silent e, diagraphs, and more using these id
Building sentences with new sentence starters
Primary French Immersion Resources: Building sentences with new sentence starters
j'aime lire - teaching reading in grade 1 French Immersion
Madame Belle Feuille: j'aime lire - teaching reading in grade 1 French Immersion #learnfrenchforkidslessonplans
Enseigner et pratiquer la fusion à travers des jeux – Enseignons Ensemble
Enseigner et pratiquer la fusion à travers des jeux - FREE French speed reading game for blending!
Apple Math Tree Learning Activity. Preschool learning, numbers. Fun fall learning kids. Get the free printable #hellowonderful