Plants, Gardening & Homesteading

This is How to Easily Start Microgreen Farming for Cheap
Growing microgreens offers a ton of benefits. They are super nutritious and easy to DIY indoors. The setup is simple, and you can eat them or create a business selling them at a farmer's market. They have so many uses! Find out all you need to know plus recipes here. #microgreens #benefits #health #indoorgardening
DIY Indoor Garden: Microgreens for Small Spaces (even apartments!)
Grow microgreens indoors! Indoor garden growing is great for apartments with no yard. Small space gardening has limited choice but microgreens are a super nutritious vegetable crop to grow quickly, easily, and cheaply, even without soil. Use grow lights for plants to keep them producing any time of year in any room. Fun for kids too! #microgreens #indoorgarden #apartmentgarden #smallspacegarden
This is How to Easily Start Microgreen Farming for Cheap
Growing microgreens offers a ton of benefits. They are super nutritious and easy to DIY indoors. The setup is simple, and you can eat them or create a business selling them at a farmer's market. They have so many uses! Find out all you need to know plus recipes here. #microgreens #benefits #health #indoorgardening
Sprouting 101: How to Sprout and Why You Should | Wholefully
It’s time for Sprouting 101! Learn how to sprout, the benefits of sprouting, and troubleshoot your sprouts in this extensive overview. #sprouting #sprouts #howtosprout #mungbeansprouts #wheatsprouts #peasprouts #wholefully
Microgreens Growing Guide Chart - The Micro Gardener
Microgreens Growing Guide Chart
19 Houseplants that Can Survive Urban Apartments
Plants that can survive indoors in an urban apartment. #plants #indoorgarden
10 Houseplants That Need (Almost) Zero Sunlight | House Fur
10 Houseplants That Need (Almost) Zero Sunlight | House Fur #plants #indoorgarden #nolightplants
Everything You Need to Know about Snake Plants
Everything You Need to Know about Snake Plants | #plants #indoorgarden #snakeplant