Simply Joyful Homeschool

This board is filled with the ultimate collection of homeschool hacks from homeschool veterans! Homeschool curriculum, advice, encouragement, book recommendations, and more. Everything you need to add simplicity & joy to your homeschool. I hope these pins bless you and help you in your homeschooling adventure! Be sure to "FOLLOW" this board. You can also join the "Simply Joyful" Facebook Group to get more encouragement!
14,253 Pins
Over 200 Free Resources and Help for "Schooling at Home"
Over 200 Free Resources and Help for "Schooling at Home" List of free classes, free courses, and free subscriptions!
Toddler Math Activity with Foam Shapes
Toddler Math Activity with Foam Shapes: This fun, and colorful, activity, provides hands-on interaction with basic shapes. #myboredtoddler #toddleractivities #shapeactivities #mathlessons
Why Hard Copies Still Matter
This topic has sparked several studies over the years, yet many questions remain… #magazine #magazineeditorial #artmagazine #christianmagazine
Homeschooling Your Preschooler- Tips from Five in a Row!Tricia Goyer
Learn how to homeschool your preschooler in only 20 minutes a day!
Adorable Journals for Kids
These gorgeous, custom-designed journals are a great gift idea for kids! These journals include prompts to help kids write out their thoughts, feelings, and imaginings. With seven different designs to choose from, you are sure to find one your child would treasure! ​ ​#TriciaGoyer #KidsJournals #JournalingforKids #Watercolor #TriciaGoyerShop ​
Genius to-do list for moms on one card! Homeschool Planner Ideas. Home school.
Genius to-do list for moms on one card! Use one card Daily Card system to organize your daily routine. Sign up now for the free training to use the Daily Card system. Find out how to get more done with less stress around the home with a family and real life. If you are a working mom at home or a stay at home, these time management ideas are the best to organize to create your daily schedules and routines. See more at
Whit's End Mealtime Devotions
Your family’s gathered around the table. What’s on the menu? Cold stares? Stale prayers? The same old leftover questions about “what happened at school today”? Mix things up with these dinner devotionals your kids will love! ​#TriciaGoyer #CrystalBowman #FocusontheFamily #AdventuresinOdyssey #dinnerdevotions #RaisingGodlyKids #familydinner #christianparenting ​
Don’t Waste Your Life Scrolling
Transform your habits, manage screen time wisely, and use technology as a tool, not a trap.
My 2024 Reading List
I read widely and deeply this year—here are my reflections on 63 books, top recommendations, and plans for more intentionality in 2025.
Simple Beginner's Guide to Charlotte Mason Homeschooling!
Wondering if Charlotte Mason homeschooling might be a good fit for your family? Here is a simple guide to the main pillars of this educational philosophy, plus practical examples of how it works for us! Encouragement for homeschool moms | homeschool mom encouragement | simple homeschooling | minimalist homeschooling | charlotte mason homeschool | charlotte mason education | homeschooling for beginners | getting started homeschooling
Fruit of the Spirit Copywork - (Print and Cursive) Inspire the Mom
Learn the Fruit of the Spirit while studying God's Word! #fruit #spirit #curisve #copywork #copywork #handwriting #writing #practice #charlottemason #education #homeschool #home #school #print #love #joy #peace #patience #bible #study #kids #learn #early #elementary
Why should I make my bed?
Wondering why you should make your bed? This personal story uncovers the spiritual and practical benefits of this small yet powerful daily habit. Why make your bed every morning? It’s a quick, meaningful act that fosters discipline, transforms your space, and helps you embrace life’s daily rhythms. ​ ​