easy as 1234

See how much easier it is to wrap with Rapt! No scissors or tape or ribbon needed!
15 Pins
This may contain: a person is holding a small bag with a bow on it that says wrap a gift
Wrap tutorial
Difficulty: Easy Supplies • Gift • Sheet of Rapt • Rapt accent
Wrapping paper vs. Rapt
Side by side video of wrapping paper and fabric gift wrap. Faster, easier and reusable!
back to school
If you are heading back to school and want to bring a gift for a friend - just wrap it in Rapt! It travels beautifully.
How to wrap with fabric
A video on our ‘easy as 1234’ wrapping.
Rapt gem package. 5 small sheets for any little gifts - lip gloss, earbuds, jewelry
Lay out a sheet of Rapt on a flat surface and place your gift in the center of the sheet.
Difficulty: Easy needed • gift • Rapt sheet
Lay out a sheet of Rapt on a flat surface and place your gift in the center of the sheet.
Difficulty: Easy needed • gift • Rapt sheet
easy as 1234
step 1. Place gift on a diagonal step 2. Fold over + tuck step 3. Wrap opposite corner step 4. Pinch sides + knot Also see tutorials on the website
When one child teaches another
Step by step
wrap at the picnic
When you need to wrap after you leave the house
wrap on the go
If you have a rapt sheet in your bag you can wrap at the party or in the car!
I'm an old hand at this 😆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Rapt reusable fabric giftwrap: easy, elegant, eco-friendly⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #reusablegiftwrap #raptgiftwrap #yourpresentourfuture #anewwaytowrap #greenerplanet #choosetoreuse #theartofgiving #memorablegift #sustainableproducts #sustainableliving #giftwrap #giftgiving #furoshiki #regift #wrapping #giftingsolutions #givingandreceiving #rsgcommunity #womenowned #womeninbusiness #standwithsmall #teachersgifts #coachgifts #smallsteps #greengoals #zerowa