Guest Posts - Retirement & Lifestyle Bloggers

I am pleased to share with you some of my favourite retirement and lifestyle well as posts that I have been asked to write for other sites.
52 Pins
Travels with Fran — The Continuing Saga!
Some people take right to retirement but I was not happy with not working. My husband wisely encouraged me to either find a job, or join some sort of outside activity. Thank heavens for community-organized activities! I joined a writing class, Tai Chi, aqua fit and pottery wheel throwing....
Sunday Guest Post Series: How Not to Kill Time
When I retired, the thought of all that spare time on my hands was one of the benefits of retirement. I had no thoughts about what I would do with all my spare time or if I’d find myself desperately bored. I looked back at the past 32 years of working full-time and wondered how on earth I managed to fit everything in!
Keeping the Cookie Jar Full During Early Retirement
Early Retirement
Retirement Reflections
hidden histories
When ‘Thriving’ Turns into ‘Surviving’
Ever think that you have everything in balance...and then it all suddenly goes off the rails? Please join me at Sue's and let me know what you do to get back on track?
Sundays at Six Guest Post Series – Finding Your Mojo After a Holiday
Recently, my husband and I took a five-week holiday, exploring Spain and Italy. For the first time we came home TIRED after our holiday. It took a long while for us to get over jet lag. After sampling the wonderful food and sangria, I felt bloated and uncomfortable. I felt out of sorts and didn’t have motivation
I am a Writer. Why is that so Hard to Admit?
I am a writer. Why is that so hard to admit? It should be safe to say I am a writer. After all, I spend a lot of time writing. I write corporate communication pieces; I write a blog; I have written magazine and newspaper articles; I even wrote a novel. So why do I hesitate to say I am a writer?