Thought Provoking Reads

Sharing some of my favourite books. What are you currently reading?
15 Pins
Dream of becoming an author? Author Joanne Tracey shares her thoughts and her journey
Dream of writing a book? Author, Joanne Tracey shares her journey – Women Living Well After 50
Book recommendation: Mindset, the psychology of success | So what? Now what?
***I will announce the winner of the Blogiversary drawing later in this post, I promise, but first I want to tell you about an important book I just read.*** Do you believe that a person is born with a certain amount of intelligence, or can one increase his or her intelligence? What about talent? Are ... [Read more...]
The Lady in Gold: The Extraordinary Tale of Gustav Klim…
The Lady in Gold: The Extraordinary Tale of Gustav Klimts Masterpiece, Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer
Medicine Walk ebook by Richard Wagamese - Rakuten Kobo
Medicine Walk - by Richard Wagamese - a stunning new novel that has the timeless qualities of a classic as it tells the universal story of a father/son struggle set in the dramatic landscape of the BC Interior.
10 Incredible Books By South Asian Writers
10 Incredible Books By South Asian Writers | Huffington Post
#FridayBookShare: Cutting for Stone
One of my favorite aspects of blogging is the connection and interaction with others. I love finding new blogs that share similar interests. I also love how one site often leads you to other great sites on related topics. Comment sections have provided me with engaging exchanges, provocative ideas, and new/renewed friendships. Through the Australian … Continue reading "#FridayBookShare: Cutting for Stone"
#FridayBookShare: Love, Life and Elephants: An African Love Story By Daphne Sheldrick
I’ve previously mentioned that I am a member of two book clubs. The clubs meet two weeks apart from each other which, for me, spaces out the timing of the readings perfectly. In an earlier post, I used the link-up #FridayBookShare to comment on my previous novel read. I was happy with the easy review … Continue reading "#FridayBookShare: Love, Life and Elephants: An African Love Story By Daphne Sheldrick"
Rocket Girl…and Equality Among the Sexes in 2017
At my recent book club, 'Rocket Girl' evoked a spirited discussion on just how far we have come in terms of 'equality among the sexes' in 2017.