Book Promotion

Create a best selling book with these great book promotion ideas. From book design to social media marketing, there are hundreds of ways to keep your book in the spot light.
205 Pins
Make Money On Your Author Website With These Amazon Plugins
Your author website isn’t just a hub for showcasing your work—it can also become a source of passive income. By leveraging Amazon plugins, you can earn extra cash while promoting books, products, and resources that resonate with your audience.
I Just Don’t Freaking Want To Do ANYTHING. I Don’t WANT To, and YOU Can’t Make Me!
There are days when I Just Don’t Freaking Want To Do ANYTHING. I ​Don’t WANT To ... and YOU Can’t Make Me! ​You'll laugh at the non-solution.
What is YOUR Buying Strategy?
Buying strategies have nothing to do with LOGIC. ​ ​In fact, most buying strategies consist of convincing yourself you can have what you want.
Feeling Like You Are In A Medium Pressure Cooker?
I have been a freelance writer for over forty years and I KNOW what pressure feels like. I’ve finished dozens of writing projects by staying up the entire night. ​ ​NOT a great feeling. Takes too long long to recover from the stress and lost sleep.
How To Use Pocket To Increase Your Productivity
Pocket is a powerful tool for saving, organizing, and revisiting content you find online, making it a fantastic resource for boosting productivity. Here’s how you can use it effectively.
Mesmerizing Inspiration, Profound Gratitude
Inspiration has the power to mesmerize us, sparking creativity, hope, and a drive to achieve our dreams. Paired with profound gratitude, this combination creates a powerful force for positivity and growth. Inspiration motivates us to aim higher, while gratitude keeps us grounded and appreciative of the journey.
Most Profitable Price Point for Books
What about you? Do you TEST the price point on your books? Sometimes I can see the results in a week or two, but most of the time I run my tests for at least 30 days and chart the results. If you have any challenges at all with your book sales, be sure to TEST everything: the price and book covers are among the easiest to test.
How To Get More Book Reviews: Your Website
Your Most Important Marketing Resource Is Your Website or Author Blog. ​Regardless of whether you’re starting with just one book or have many, each book must have its own dedicated sales page at the very least.
If You Want Your Business To Fail — Go Ahead And Take These Things For Granted!
Running a successful business requires attention to details that many entrepreneurs overlook. Taking critical aspects for granted can quickly lead to stagnation or failure. Here are some key things you should never neglect if you want your business to thrive.
How To Make Money Writing Kindle eBooks
Writing and selling Kindle eBooks on has become a very popular way to earn extra money. ​ ​At the high end, there are authors that routinely ​make over $100,000 per month. ​ ​If you’ve always wanted a source of income that can conform to your hectic schedule, writing eBooks is an option.
Is Medium JUST Another Shiny New Object?
I started out super excited about the Medium platform for writers … and then dived way down into a black hole. Was there a way out?