Nurse stuff

27 Pins
Blood is red, Nurses are jaded. Mess with us, And you'll get sedated. Happy Nurses Week.
Oral manifestations of childhood illnesses. 1. Oral thrush 2. Varicella - Chicken pox. 3. Stomatitis herpetica or Aphthosa [Herpetic stomatitis] 4. Stomatitis ulcerosa or Scorbutus 5. Follicular tonsillitis 6. Diphtheria. Pediatrics: The Hygienic and and Medical Treatment of Children. Thomas Morgan Rotch, 1901.
80 Nurse Quotes to Inspire, Motivate, and Humor Nurses
45 Nursing Quotes to Inspire You to Greatness - Nurseslabs
Scientific Illustration: Photo
Thyroid issues can get complicated, so this might help explain a little bit better what dotors do not explain to their patients.
Scrubs Mag | The Leading Lifestyle Magazine for the Healthcare Community
Being a nurse means....
Funny Pictures Of The Day - 73 Pics
Funny Pictures Of The Day - 73 Pics
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Nurse Retractable ID Badge Reel, ID Badge Holder, Retractable ID, Badge Clip, Name Tag, I D Badge Clip, I D Holder on Etsy, $5.00