insect& crystal

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Golden Castles Wooden Resin Ring made with Birch wood and gold flakes
Underwater Gems: Fascinating Facts About Pearls
What don’t we know about pearls? Turns out, quite a bit. But now we’ve done some research and are ready to share some really interesting pearl facts with you!
Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles & More | eBay
Natural Wild Pearl. Tridacna clam pearls are non-nacreous. The pearls don'i have the luster of nacreous pearls Instead they look like porcelain, commonly referred to as porcellaneous. From a biological point of view a clam pearl is considered a kind of pearl, being the natural product of a shelled mollusk. But not a pearls in the truest sense of the word,
the poetry of material things | Bloglovin’
stones | minerals | beauty | earth | health | energy | colors | nature | natural | gems | jewels | crystals
..focus..damn it!
quartz with actinolite inclusions | OBJECtify