Teaching math- number sense

63 Pins
Teaching Place Value, Tens and Ones Song
Have you seen the video, Teacher Tipster Place Value Song ? It's great! That's why a number of bloggers have shared how they have done a P...
Interactive Notebook and Anchor Charts for Second Grade Math Common Core
Interactive Notebook and Anchor Charts for Second Grade Ma
Doubles and Doubles Plus 1 Posters and Cards - First Grade Math Skills Support
Math Posters: Doubles and Doubles + 1 {Doubles posters include sums to 20, written both horizontally and vertically. There is also a poster for each "doubles + 1" sum and student cards.} 36 pages, $
Subtraction Game - Christmas Freebie
FREE In this subtraction game for 2 players, players must draw two cards and subtract the smaller number from the larger. If the answer is on a decoration they place a counter over it. Some equations will require the player to use regrouping. Print in color or black ink.
Primary Education - Making Math Workshop Work for YOU and YOUR Kids!
Primary Education - Making Math Workshop Work for YOU and YOUR Kids! #mathworkshop #math
Make Many Hearts Smile
1-20 number worksheets with cat clipart you will get 2 pages for each number.