Disney Scrapbooking Pages

304 Pins
Pages from Paige's Pages 10
Pages from Paige's Pages 10 | Paige Taylor Evans
All Smiles Layout
All Smiles Layout - Project Idea - Scrapbook.com
Designer Spotlight with Paige Evans: Kim Jeffress
Kim Jeffress is a well-rounded artist and everything she makes radiates happiness! I’m excited to share some of her creations with you today! Name: Kim Jeffress Location: Brisbane, Australia Blog: glasshalffull.blogspot.com Instagram: @kimjeffress Pinterest: @kimjeffress Facebook: Kim Jeffress Designs Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started crafting: I started scrapbooking in …
Kit Club Exclusive Design* 2023 Disney Cover Page SINGLE - The-Whole-Kit-N-Kaboodle
Smiles from Ear to Ear
Smiles from Ear to Ear - Project Idea - Scrapbook.com
Simple Stories SAY CHEESE AT THE PARK 12 x 12 Collector's Essential Kit 17930
12 sheets of double-sided 12 x 12 inch Designer Cardstock including cut apart Element Sheets and a 12 x 12 inch Cardstock Sticker Sheet (84), Bits and Pieces (53), Chipboard (26), Page Pieces (15); 190 pieces