
107 Pins
To help you get a job where you will be browsing Imgur anyway - FunSubstance
To help you get a job where you will be browsing Imgur anyway
Study Tip: Homework Organization with a Free App
FREE App: Help Kids Stay Organized with School Projects and Homework -- sync between mobile devices and computers
Kisses Goodbye: End of the Year Gift Bags & Ideas!!!
Count down the hours of the last day of school popping balloons filled with fun activities! - Cute end of the year idea.
Discussing Difficult Truths about Co-teaching
CO-TEACHING: Things teachers can discuss to keep the co-teaching partnership on the upward swing.
The Magic Thing (La Cosa Mágica)
The magic thing - an awesome way to motivate your students to help straighten up the classroom. Choose a piece of trash or item that needs to be put up without stating what it is. Students clean the room in hopes of cleaning or throwing away the "magic thing." When you're satisfied, round them up and let them know who found it. That students earns a reward.
Energizers! - Dum Dum Dah Dah
Energizers! - Dum Dum Dah the class while quieting the students. Good re-focusing exercise.
"Friday Box"
How to use a "Friday Box" to teach your students to be responsible for their materials!
View of Room 117
I'm all for making kids responsible and this is a good way to do it. The things they missed are all in one place. It is up to them to get their materials. This teacher has a lot of great classroom organization ideas.