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All for Kung Fu, Tai Chi & Martial Arts
All for Kung Fu, Tai Chi & Martial Arts Earth Art
"There are times when you may be overwhelmed by the teachings of the 'Way'. At such moments, it is important to continue with the original Spirit of a beginner." ~ Morihei Ueshiba
Come un samurai, devo rafforzare il mio carattere. Come essere umano, devo perfezionare il mio Spirito. - Yamaoka Tesshu
banpen fugyo
"In real life, people who live beyond the bounds of common sense attach you suddenly, with scant regard for any rules of combat. You can hardly call yourself a martial artist if this throws you off balance." - Masaaki Hatsumi, The Way of the Ninja (Bujinkan)
I recently had fun training and certifying in kali with Master Apolo Ladra and many other great martial artists in Mesa AZ