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Amazing Ab workout
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12.2k Likes, 153 Comments - Alexia Clark (@alexia_clark) on Instagram: “Attach your resistance band to something heavy like a squat rack or weight rack. Make sure it is…”
Jockey rows Full back workout: - These are a great back and butt workout. A little difficult at first to get the movement but once you do, they are amazing! Make sure the cable is right around your belly button when you're standing. Let me know if you have any questions! I did 5 sets of 20 - BOWMARFITNESS.COM
24.1k Likes, 1,062 Comments - Fitness And Health (@squatguide) on Instagram: “Who ever said the treadmill was boring?! Exercise 1: 40% INCLINE mountain climbers for 2 minutes…”
20k Likes, 412 Comments - Paige Hathaway (@paigehathaway) on Instagram: “TAG SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO GAIN SIZE IN THEIR GLUTES AND LEGS 😤💪🏼 - SCREEN SHOT THIS AND Add this…”
4,949 Likes, 174 Comments - Nichole Freeman (@nicholefreedom) on Instagram: “Some #BootyWork for you to kill this week. 😼 tag a friend your going to try these with!”
23k Likes, 1,055 Comments - Whitney Simmons (@whitneyysimmons) on Instagram: “Happy to say I woke up the next day after this workout feeling nice and sore and happy ☠️ Add this…”
BRITTANY PERILLE | The ULTIMATE Guide to GREATER Glutes, BOOTY Building! - YouTube
Landmine Destruction 1. 20 reps each side: Glute Bridge 2. 10 reps each: Pivot Squats 3. 15 reps each side: Bulgarian Squat Press 4. 15 reps each side: Side Lunge Shuffls 3-5 rounds
Fitness Mommy Mariza (@mariza_villarreal) on Instagram: “I love this booty building compilation by @fashnfitlife it's called her KILLER GLUTE BUILDING DAY…”
6,927 Likes, 176 Comments - KrissyCela (@krissycela) on Instagram: “Need a good old booty pump! My poor little legs and booty are sooo sore after this ! 🍑☝🏼😩 Method:…”
10.3k Likes, 600 Comments - Noelle Benepe (@noellebenepe) on Instagram: “Let leg day begin!!! 😤 Forward / backs 4x10 steps each leg Lunges 4x10 each leg Curtesy side…”
Got Glutes?
Looking forward to an improved rear view? Well, you need a map. Here are 10 exercises to whip your backside into shape.
5,946 Likes, 174 Comments - Hannah Bower (@hannahbower2) on Instagram: “Because leg dayyyyy is my favorite! 😻 3 exercises shown! 👌🏽 This smith machine combo is bomb.…”