Art Social Issues

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Should Tower Hamlets Council be able to sell a public artwork? | Tate
Henry Moore OM, CH Shelterers in the Tube 1941 Pencil, pen and ink, watercolour and crayon on paper support: 380 x 568 mm frame: 650 x 817 x 35 mm Presented by the War Artists Advisory Committee 1946 is Expired or Suspended.
This piece is a painting exploring protest and the right to speak. The artist has used oil paint and smooth brush strokes to produce smooth blends which are easy on the eye. I will try and produce the same sort of effect with soft pastels when I come to do my final piece. The composition consists of several protestors in the fore group, and famous protestors' names in the background, backed by an a rican flag. This is a patriotic symbol and gives the art a propaganda feel.
A brief history of religion in art - TED-Ed
A brief history of religion in art - TED-Ed | TED-Ed
2:01 PST. Pre-Occupy Protest Poster Art – PRINT Magazine
2:01 PST. Pre-Occupy Protest Poster Art - Print Magazine
Henry Moore, one of his London blitz drawings of people sheltering in the Tube.