Art as Therapy

Creative therapy resources by psychotherapist Shelley Klammer
155 Pins
Top 50 Art Therapy Blogs
If you want to know more about how art can help you to heal, I invite you to read the free blogs on this Top 50 list.
Inner Focusing with Mandalas
"Each person's life is like a mandala- a vast, limitless circle. We stand in the center of our own circle, and everything we see, hear and think forms the mandala of our life." ~ Pema Chodrin
Visionary Gluebook
Gluebooks are different from collage journals in that they are simply a book that you glue things that you like into.
Mandalas for Anxiety Regulation
I have been creating morning mandalas as part of my meditation practice for the last several years and have just recently finished my 365th mandala. My mandala practice took about 15-30 minutes of quiet focus before I started my working day.
50 Art Process Videos
50 Art Process videos curated to support you to Dream, Paint and Create in your studio!
Understanding Anger
Prior to owning my anger, I felt depressed, repressed, socially timid, and overly careful about speaking my truth with others. Keeping a ferociously honest anger journal has helped me to reclaim the power of my self-worth.
Inner Child Therapy Worksheets
Adulthood can feel like a perpetual second childhood until painful patterns are interrupted, questioned and healed. Not many people grow up to full maturity in their lifetime. We all carry deep core wounds into our adult life.
Intuitive Painting Made Simple
I love to access my intuition through a very simple form of intuitive painting. Intuition can be practiced in the painting process, simply by following one intuition after the next.
Intuitive Collage Exercise: What Brings You Joy?
Intuitive Collage Exercise: What Brings You Joy?
What Is Depth Creativity?
Depth Creativity is a dance between the limitations of your conditioned human self and the expansiveness of your soul. Depth creativity is attentive, contemplative, slow, and present. As you explore your original creativity more deeply, your human being becomes ensouled.
Collage Exercise: What is Your Next Step?
Collage Exercise: What is Your Next Step?
The Art of Inner Focusing
When I feel emotionally stuck, I sit with my Focusing Journal to sense what needs to be cleared out of my body. Over the years, I have determinedly attended to my tight spots, frightened places, and emotional heaviness. This has helped me clear my emotional shadow, which is the primary cause of depression. What’s left after a shadow is seen and loved is light and space—freedom to express my most inspired self.
Discover Your Golden Shadow With Expressive Art Therapy
Discover Your Golden Shadow With Expressive Art Therapy
This 5-day visionary art challenge will support you to make positive changes through art, writing and neuroscience. By the end of this mini-course, you will have a vision of the person you need to become in order to heal your depression.