
42 Pins
Keep Your Plants Happy And Hydrated With These 3 Self-Watering Hacks
저도 방금 연원의 기운을 듬뿍 받았습니다 ㅎㅎ 식물들도 항상 메마르지 않게 신경쓸게요! 3 Self-Watering Hacks For Plants
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House Warming Gift Planter Hanging Planter Indoor Rustic Hanging Succulent Planter Log Planter Cactus Succulent Holder Gifts for Her
Ché Café & Community Garden | Hidden San Diego
Succulent in hollow log. Vertical planting. At Succulent Cafe in Oceanside, CA ~ such a great idea!
Cool Fences for Your Yard and Garden
log wall- I wonder how well it would age. Would it quickly become a rotting pile of debris? How would you seal it?