Vitamins and Supplements

One of the Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies You Want to Avoid
Calcium Deficiency: Are Supplements the Answer?
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Calcium and Vitamin D, Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements , Calcium and Vitamin D..., #Calcium #supplements #Vitamin
Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin deficiency and how it affects your health. #menopause #menopausesymptoms #menopauseremedies #womenshealth #vitamins #vitaminddeficiency #vitamindeficiency
Food Sources of Vitamin E
Vitamin E can be found in many foods especially certain fats and oils. Since vitamin E is composed of fat-soluble compounds, it is usually found in vegetable and seed oils. #vitaminsonly #healthydiet #vitaminE #vitamins #vegan #vegetarian #foods #skin #fit #healthy
Dietary Sources of Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects our cells from free radicals which is harmful to our body. To get your daily intake of ascorbic acid, you can it from a lot of common foods that are available on the market. Also remember that vitamin C is sensitive to light, air, and heat so consuming vegetables that are raw or minimally cooked, increases their vitamin C content. Here are the following foods that can provide you for your daily supply of the vitamin #vitaminsonly #vitaminc #foodsources
16 Benefits Of Vitamin B12, Dosage, And Side Effects
Are you feeling washed out, have poor memory, forget to eat meals (maybe no appetite), feeling tired and foggy? It could be you are low on B12. This amazing supplement helps supply oxygen to the body, is amazing for stress and anxiety, soothes the nervous system, is great for brain function and the formation of blood. Ask someone on your wellness team if this is something you might need. Vitamin B-12 Deficiency #health #infographic #diet
Science – Your handy Guide to the 13 Vitamins
13 vitamins...we should get everything from our diet...surprising we sometimes don't
The Top 18 Vitamin D Foods
Vitamin D plays a significant role in fighting depression, healthy skin and weight management! Try these Top 10 Vitamin D Rich Foods to get your daily dose!
Vitamin B12 Rich Foods (for Vegans and Omnivores)