Mythology and fantasy

A board dedicated to that of ethereal beings and fantastical creatures.
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Aule, the Smith. Another design for Valar fanart series. I was going for more warm and fiery palette this time, since it's what comes to… | Instagram
Tales of the Greeks and Trojans. Illustrated by Janet and Anne Grahame Johnstone. London: Purnell and Sons, Ltd., 1963. - Achilles and the slain Tenes
Hecate, Guilherme Motta
ArtStation - Hecate, Guilherme Motta
Pan tröstet Psyche, 1892 – by Ernst and Gustav Klimt. In the story of Eros and Psyche, it was Pan who comforted Psyche as she was about to kill herself, after her cruel sisters tricked her into holding up a lamp to Eros as he was sleeping, to glimpse his divine presence, as he had forbade her to do.