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What do your signs stand for?
The Lost Female Figures of Christmas - Part II
Pagan Christmas: The Plants, Spirits, and Rituals at the Origins of Yuletide
DECEMBER COLD MOON Winters grips and the nights become dark. Also known as the Long Night Moon
NOVEMBER – HUNTERS MOON Also known as the Fog Moon Plan for a ritual to dispel negative thoughts and vibrations.
DECEMBER – OAK MOON Also known as the Moon of Long Nights Plan for a ritual to help remain steadfast in all your actions
AUGUST – GRAIN MOON Also known as the Herb Moon Plan a ritual to preserve what you already have.
JUNE – MEAD MOON Also known as the Honey Moon Plan a ritual to balance your spiritual and physical desires.
JULY – HAY MOON Also known as the Blessing Moon Plan a ritual to decide what you will do once your goals have been met.
SEPTEMBER – FRUIT MOON Also known as the Harvest Moon Plan a ritual of Thanksgiving for all the Old Ones have given you.