Ideas Worth Spreading

A collection of #videos to inspire, motivate, and make you look at the world a little differently.
14 Pins
A 4-year-old girl asked a lesbian if she's a boy. She responded the awesomest way possible.
A 4-Year-Old Girl Asked A Lesbian If She's A Boy. She Responded The Awesomest Way Possible.
212 - The Extra Degree
It's the extra degree of effort that often separates the good from the great. 212° The Extra Degree captures a simple, yet powerful concept. At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees, it boils. It's that extra degree that can power a locomotive; or take your life results far beyond your expectations.
The Power of Just Doing Stuff
The Power of Just Doing Stuff - To coincide with the publication of Rob Hopkins' new book 'The Power of Just Doing Stuff', Emma Goude, producer of 'In Transition 1.0' and 'In Transition 2.0', made this short film that captures the spirit of the new book.
Life at 3 MPH: Jonathon Stalls at TEDxYouth@MileHigh
Life at 3 MPH: Incredible TEDx talk by Jonathon Stalls, who walked across the U.S. to support Kiva and spread the good word about the power of microfinance!
The Best Infographics on the Planet
Why We Can't Get Enough #TED Talks #infographic | The Best Infographics on the Planet
4 scientific studies on how meditation can affect your heart and brain
‎4 scientific studies on how #meditation can affect your heart, brain, concentration and creativity. This TED Talk may just convince you to try meditating, even if you are skeptical.
The Third Wave of the Digital Age: Graeme Codrington at TEDxSquareMile
The Third Wave of the Digital Age by Dr. Graeme Codrington at TEDx Square Mile
11 talks on the transformative power of vegetables
11 #TED Talks on the transformative power of #vegetables #video #gardening
Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes | Richard St. John
Why do people succeed? Is it because they're smart, or are they just lucky? Analyst Richard St. John condenses years of interviews into an unmissable 3-minute presentation on the real secrets of success. Watch the video here:
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In 2000, the UN laid out 8 goals to make the world better by reducing poverty and disease -- with a deadline of 2015. As that deadline approaches, Jamie Drummond of runs down the surprising successes of the 8 Millennium Development Goals, and suggests a crowdsourced reboot for the next 15 years. Jamie Drummond co-founded the advocacy organization ONE, whose central themes are ending extreme poverty and fighting the AIDS pandemic.
Sean Aiken discusses his 52 week job project, wherein he worked a different job every week for a year to find his passion. Here he shares what he learned from this year of collecting experience and advice, emphasizing that the important thing is not to find just a job but to discover our true gifts and our life’s work. #inspirational #speech Check out his site at
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Sharing powerful stories from his anti-obesity project in Huntington, W. Va., #TED Prize winner Jamie Oliver makes the case for an all-out assault on our ignorance of #food. #inspirational #speech
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Steve Jobs #video: How to live before you die - from his #inspirational Stanford University commencement #speech - from #TED