151 Pins
Hobbit Illumination: Thorin Oakenshield, by Soni Alcorn-Hender.
The Sweet Life of a Fangirl
Some days I'm Lee Pace....And some days I'm Thranduil. #thehobbit
I am Fire, I am Death
If Smaug happened to be Bilbo's cat-sized, tomato-eating pet.
I love reading that part in class xD
Soo, Now I have a Tumblr...
Thorin is nearsighted. Every so often Peter Jackson makes me so happy that I forgive him for Tauriel.
Hobbit Origins by snartha on DeviantArt
Hobbit Origins by on @DeviantArt
What if an Ent got ahold of the One Ring
Soo, Now I have a Tumblr...
Thorin is nearsighted <- I love this headcanon to pieces.