Places I have seen

1,165 Pins
Charles Bridge, Prague (HDR) / Karlsbrücke in Prag
Charles Bridge, Prague (HDR) / Karlsbrücke in Prag | Flickr
Architecture Art for Sale - Fine Art America
Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo), Florence, Italy. Con mis amigas 1991 y con Roberto 2010.
How to Travel Prague on a Budget • The Blonde Abroad
A chocolate turdlnik in Prague, Czech Republic. Click to find out how to travel this city on a budget!
Prague – 3 Highlights You Shouldn't Miss Out - Barbaralicious
After returning from the Dominican Republic I had three free weeks at home. And what should a travel blogger do if not go on a spontaneous short trip? I always wanted to go to Prague! The capital of the Czech Republic has been on my Bucket List for way too long. But in former times the connections between Frankfurt and Prague was really bad, so I never made this long trip. But now the time had come!
Smutne a zamilovane citaty - Ber všechno, co život ti dal, smutek, bolesti i lásku. Život je velký karneval, kde stokrát změníš masku. Život je velkým jevištěm, na kterém musíš hrát. I když ti srdce krvácí, maska se musí smát. | Facebook
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Am Wiener Prater können Sie mit einem Riesenrad Wien überblicken.
Der Geisterstunde-Guide: Die allerschönsten Spukorte in Wien
Hofburg Wien, Wien, Vienna, Spukorte, haunded, travel, reisen
St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican City
St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican City, Rome, Italy