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DIY tulle skirt
19 Awesome Eye Makeup Ideas For Asians
Check out these 19 awesome #AsianEyes makeup tips!! Get more asian eye makeup tips right here...
How to Clean Dirty Oven Racks - Budget Savvy Diva
How to Clean Dirty Oven Racks: Place oven racks in the bath tub and fill with HOT water until racks are covered. Add about 6 dryer sheets and 1/2 cup of dish soap. Let sit overnight. Remove any remaining buildup with the dryer sheets. You may want to do this right before you plan to clean your tub. :)
My son's toy cars collection in a shadow box. He loved looking through his old cars and remembering his favorites!
28 Insanely Easy And Clever DIY Projects
28 Insanely Easy And Clever DIY Projects (Lots of great projects!)
the winthrop chronicles
i'm gonna do this! this is way cool! Just print off any picture you want, then spray paint a piece of wood black, cut the picture to match the size of the wood. Using Mod podge coat the wood then lay the picture on top. Once it has dried thoroughly, use sandpaper to rough up the edges, then put a layer of mod podge over the picture. paint some eye hooks and use pretty ribbon as a hanger and voila!