Colour palettes and colour inspriation

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Blog post: Orange art inspiration!
Orange is a fabulous zinger of a colour that elevates the energy of a room, begs for attention and can create interest in a most dynamic an unusual way.
Colour study exploration
Pre-painting colour study. An exploration of colour and palette in combination with a quick loose sketch to experiment with the look and feel of what I'm going to create.
Susannah (@thisbeeisme) posted on Instagram: “This is what a good painting day can look like. Just sittin' and thinkin' and playin' with color sketches for my current project. Who knew…” • Jul 27, 2019 at 11:00am UTC
Susannah (@thisbeeisme) posted on Instagram: “This is what a good painting day can look like. Just sittin' and thinkin' and playin' with color sketches for my current project. Who knew…” • Jul 27, 2019 at 11:00am UTC
Knowing y'all liked seeing my color palette stripe the other day ..... 💕 * * * * * * #colorpalettes #palettecollection #paintpalettes…
Pear No. 8 Still Life Original Oil Painting by Moulton 6 X 6 Inches on Panel Prattcreekart - Etsy
Pear no. 8 still life original oil painting by Moulton 6 x 6 inches on panel prattcreekart