367 Pins
ROH Stars to WWE?, Former Talent Arrested, WWE Stars Visit Ribera's - http://www.wrestlesite.com/wwe/roh-stars-to-wwe-former-talent-arrested-wwe-stars-visit-riberas/
Mrs.Robot on Twitter
Yes, I'm a woman. Yes, I watch wrestling, period. Yes, I think some of the wrestlers are fine as hell. The last statement can stay the same.
Roman Reigns Featured on the WWE Fast Lane Promotional Poster - http://www.wrestlesite.com/wwe/roman-reigns-featured-wwe-fast-lane-promotional-poster/
Nothing Gold Can Stay
CM Punk... some of the best quotes in wrestling come from this man right here!
Does any of my followers watch WWE? Because I Do and I need someone to fangirl with me because Smackdown comes on tonight!