Old radios & tv's

125 Pins
Plastic fantastic: The pre-war Bakelite auction expected to raise thousands
1949 Televison. We got our first TV about 1950, but it was a console.
Steve McVoy is Tuned Into Vintage Television Sets
Vintage B & W TV
Collectible Tube Radios (1950-1959) for sale | eBay
Vtg RCA Model TC-127 1950s Asian Style Space Age Console Tube T.V. Television | eBay
Collectible Television Sets for sale | eBay
Unmolested 1949 Motorola 9L1 Vacuum Tube Portable TV with 8BP4 Picture Tube | eBay
Vintage Bush CTV1112 - Single Standard 625 Lines - Colour TV
The "Giant" Coral Gable model 21" TV from Admiral, 1954.
lollodj: retrogasm: If I had this vintage TV I would watch space movies all day…
Error - DecoRadioSales
Beautiful Machine Age Bakelite radio finished in Rich Red and Black with Cream grill and Real Brass Dial Escutcheon. This radio is a fine example of the classic designs of the era and features four pushbutton station preset buttons on the top of the radio. A great addition to your collection! $995.00
Emerson Model BD-197 Mae West Table Radio (1938-1939)
Emerson's 1938 BD-197 "Mae West" model was maybe the weirdest radio set of the classic era. No prizes for guessing the inspiration of designer Count Alexis De Sakhnoffsky.
1946 Bendix 526B Bakelite Radio
Collectible Television Sets for sale | eBay