
32 Pins
1 Year Emergency Food Storage For A Family Of 4 For Less Than $300
12 Month Emergency Food Storage Plan: feeds a family of 4 for $300 (just $25 a month!)
Snow Ski Bike
I had some spare bikes so i thought i would make some ski bikes and ths is how i did it. I took the hubs off the wheels and split them I cut the hub in half...
Live in a Greenhouse
Need a temporary, affordable, all-season, and comfortable dwelling? Try building a greenhouse with a tent inside. Introduction: The idea stemmed from...
Got Charcoal?
Cooking without Electricity Here is a calculation for how much charcoal you need to cook 365 meals: FORMULA Take the # of Dutch Oven meals planned for the year____ X 20 briquettes per meal =_____ divided by 30 briquettes per pound = pounds needed. EXAMPLE 365 meals X 20 briquettes = 7300 divided by 30 = about 243 lbs or about 12-20 lb bags, or about 16 – 15 lb bags NOTE: Kingston charcoal was estimated as 18 briquettes per pound
Лыжный туризм или Back Country по-русски. Часть II: Сани-волокуши.
Лыжный туризм или Back Country по-русски. Часть II: Сани-волокуши. | База знаний | Горная школа | АЛЬПИНДУСТРИЯ
Using Man Powered Vehicles can Make it Easier to Bug Out
Using Man Powered Vehicles can Make it Easier to Bug Out
Be Prepared in Survival Life | How to Survive and Prepare for an Emergency | Survival Life Blog
DIY Paracord Hammock Chair - Survival Life
Paracord hammock or death!
A paracord hammock is the mercedes among hammocks. It is durable, colorful and will stand the test of time. On this page you will learn how to...