Circle Musings

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A Witch's Familiar
"The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior." - Hippolyte Taine The Corvus Circle | Wicked, Sovereign, & Wild Blog | What the Cat Told the Raven
Trust Your Crystals
Lovingly chaotic blog post about learning to trust your crystals.
"Does wisdom perhaps appear on the Earth as a raven which is inspired by the smell of carrion?" Friedrich Nietzsche There is a magick in you, little wildling. A knowing, a presence, an essence. It is one gift of many. Use it well. Trust it. Run with it. Fly with it. You, little wildling, are more.
Follow the Song of Your Soul
"The call isn't out there at all, it's inside me!" Yes. I just quoted Moana. That song is a banger and you know it. Follow your song, little wildling. It will lead you to magick.
The Wolf
"Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is." - German Proverb
Down the Rabbit Hole
"My mind is an absolute rabbit hole. I think I know what I'm getting into, but then suddenly there's falling books and upside-down furniture and snarky doorknobs." - Sates, The Corvus Circle
Of Wolves & Ravens
The lessons of wolves & ravens have always guided me home. Return leading the pack. The sky is your kingdom. Shrink for no one, little wildling.